Cable Side Bend Ab Obliques Workout Guide

Cable Side Bend Ab Obliques Workout Guide

The Cable Side Bend Ab Obliques Workout exercise helps target and train obliques ( both sides of ab). It is one of the best ab exercises to more strength to the side abdominal. Equipment needed  To perform this exercise you need a universal pulley machine, Cable side bend is very effective to train the oblique … Read more

Barbell Abdominal Side Bend-Ab Obliques Exercise

Barbell Abdominal Side Bend-Ab Obliques Exercise

The barbell abdominal side bend is an exercise that trains obliques (both the side of your abdomen). It is advised to perform this exercise though after the end of your various other abdominal exercises. More so, this particular exercise can be carried out by holding two dumbbells, you may also need to be assisted by … Read more