How To Correctly Perform Standing Shrugs

Train and extend the size of your back, neck, and shoulders with standing shrugs back exercise.  On this topic, I am going to be walking you through  How To Correctly Perform Standing Shrugs to train your body including video and image on how to perform it. If you have any questions concerning this topic please feel free to leave them in the comment section. 

About  Standing Shrugs

Standing shrug is also known as a compound movement it is a great exercise that helps to train the neck and traps muscles.

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The Standing shrug is one of the efficient back exercise to train and build a strong back, it is a great exercise to train your upper back and also partially boost more strength to the lower part of the body.

Standing shrug is performed using the barbell standing forward from keeping your back straight and without bending your knees.

It is an excellent exercise for the back, neck, and trapezius muscles.

Equipment Needed 

Standing shrug is a multi-equipment strength exercise that can be performed using barbells,  dumbbells or it can be performed with the shrug machine. 

How To Correctly Perform Standing Shrugs

Here is how you correctly perform the standing shrugs, follow these easy steps whenever you want to do it. 

Step 1

  • Put yourself in a correct position.
  • Stand straight with your feet planted firmly and your shoulder-width apart.
  • Then grab the dumbbells with your hands at the shoulder-width.
  • Your knees slightly bent.
  • Keep the bar held straight and without hollow your back.




How To Correctly Perform Standing Shrugs
How To Correctly Perform Standing Shrugs
standing shrugs

Step 2 

  •  Raise your shoulders upwards slowly as high as you can toward your ears.
  • Rotate both of them backward and down carefully at the same time without bending or hollow your back.
  • You are going to feel the  right your back, neck, and shoulders muscles
  • Repeat the same process again to your desired reps.


  • Don’t overweight yourself so that you would be able to control yourself well when performing.
  • The up motion should be slightly slower than the lower motion.
  • Be concentrated focus and control the weight it must not fall off of your hands. 


 Here are some precautions to make and steps when performing standing shrugs, follow them for correct performance. 

Positioned yourself very well and do not hollow your back.

  Your position is very important in this exercise, so make sure that your position is correct and make sure you do not hollow back during and throughout the performance. Keep your back straight. Do not hollow your back when performing the exercise.

Use An Overhand Grip.

 The grips for the exercise an overhand grip for correct performance. so if you are using a dumbbell or barbell is the same use an overhand grip throughout.  hold the weight tight for it must not fall off or stray away from your hands.

Slowly Lower And Lift Slowly.

 The movement of the exercise must be slow and steady, so do not rush yourself, lower the weight and lift it slowly.  Do not overweight yourself on it.  Grab the weight your power can be able to control for a performùance. 

Concentrated And Focus.

Concentrate, focus on targeting your upper back muscles,   remember that you must feel the movement in your right there in your muscle.  don’t let the weight control you,  don’t create momentum or anything that can jeopardize the good performance yourself. 


 The benefit of performing standing shrug is huge here are some of them. 

  • Standing shrug using is an exercise that targets and train the neck muscles to boost strength.
  • Trains and gives a strong and add more size to the back.
  • It’s one of the great and effective exercise that builds back and boost enhance more tissue.
  • Strength and builds the upper back better than any other exercise. 
  • It Partially targets and trains the lower back for more strength and muscles.
  •  the standing shrug is good to build a good back shape and strength.
  • Great  for more strength, muscles, and  power 
  • It great to train and target your trap muscles.
  •  An effective exercise for trapezius isolations.

Conclusion Of The How To Correctly Perform Standing Shrugs

This post has helped you How To Correctly Perform Standing Shrugs including video and image to do it. 
If you have any question comment or anything concerning this topic please feel free to leave them in the comment section below. If this post helps you please share it with others thanks.

Check out here for more great exercise guide <

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