Dumbbell Calf Raise One Leg!

The dumbbell calf raise on one leg is a great exercise to train calf muscles and it is one of the effective calf exercise to target the muscle at the back of the lower leg and help shape it up. 

This exercise aims at training one leg at a time and the most important thing about this exercise is that it doesn’t require any machine.  Calf raise dumbbell is performed holding the dumbbell and you can perform it without holding any.

It trains the calf better and boosts more muscle to it. So, let you know how this exercise can be best performed.

 Dumbbell Calf Raise One Leg Performance

Take your position and stand upright with one of your legs on the floor, on a box, or a stair, and hold a dumbbell in your hand.

I used to perform my dumbbell calf raise on one leg on a box for more efficiency.

You can actually support yourself with the other hand and put the right instep behind your left heel for good stability during the performance.

Make sure that your upper body is straight throughout the exercise performance and the dumbbell close to your thigh.

If you are training the left calf, hold the dumbbell in your left hand, and hold support with your right hand.

Then, start with your heel extending below the box height in a way that your calf is slightly stretched.

Do not relax your ankle too much and the weight should not rest on the joint. Extend your until your calf muscle is fully contracted and exhale as you go, while still keeping your knee still do not move the dumbbell.

Make sure that you do not pull yourself up with the other hand your right foot must be resting behind the left heel.

 Hold the highest position for a short moment at least 2 to 3 seconds. Then slowly lower your heel again back to the begging position. Exhale as you move down.

However, at the lowest point of the movement, your calf must be fully stretched, and always remember that the down motion should be slightly slower than the up motion.

The dumbbell calf raise is usually done on a plate or a box, but you can also do it on a flat floor.

Don’t create any momentum or any difficulty for yourself during the performance. It is advised to Perform the exercise in a correct manner and do not bounce up and down focus on stretching the calf.

Hold the up motion for at least 2 to 3 seconds for a more effective contraction before lowering it back to the start position.

Safety measures

Here are the safety measures to take when doing a dumbbell calf raise on one leg!

Make a good position

Position yourself well and Support yourself with the other hand and hold the dumbbell in your left hand and hold support with your right hand and do not pull yourself up with the other hand.

Hold and place the dumbbell close to your thigh don’t let it stay or fall off your hands.

Be Straight And Stretch Calf Till Fully Contract.

Be straight and make sure that your upper body is straight throughout the exercise process, keep the calf fully stretched, and do not relax your ankle too much and the weight should not rest on your joint.

Hold the highest position for a short moment at a list of 2 to 3 seconds, the up motion should be slightly slower than the down motion. Be concentrated don’t let the weight fall off of your hand. focus and concentration do not create any difficulty or momentum.


here are some health benefits of performing the calf dumbbell calf raise on one leg here. 

It helps train and adds muscles to the calf.

The dumbbell calf raises on one of the legs helpful exercise that training and boosts the calf muscles, Shape-up your lower body, and helps in increasing muscle tissue. It also helps with the development of mass and power in your legs.

It’s a compound exercise.

Dumbbell calf raises on one of the great and compound leg exercise that helps train quadriceps muscles.

It also improves your core strength and helps to straighten your calf muscles. It helps train the calf in the correct way it suppose to be trained.

This post has shown you how to perfectly perform  Dumbbell Calf Raise One Leg Performance including video images and text on how to do it.

If you have any questions comments or anything concerning this topic please feel free to leave them in the comment section below. If this post helps you please share it with others thanks. 

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