Seated Military Barbell Behind Necks Workout Guide

I’m going to be walking you through the Seated Military Barbell Behind Necks Workout Guide including video and images on how to properly perform it however if you have any questions concerning this topic please feel free to leave them in the comment section.

About Seated Military Barbell Behind Necks 

Build a huge back and extend your shoulders at the same time with the military barbell behind the neck. Barbell behind the neck shoulder press it is best-performed seating holding at lifting the barbell to the back to you hard. It is one of the effective shoulder exercise that you can perform to boost more muscle and strength shoulder joint. This exercise can also be performed in a standing position.

Equipment Needed 

It is advised to use a weighted barbell for the barbell behind the neck shoulder press it is mostly better accomplished with a weighted barbell.

Your back should be straight throughout the exercise and You should be looking straight forward.

You must be in full control of the situation hold the barbell very well do not let the barbell stray off of your hands.

Seated Military Barbell Behind Necks Workout Guide

Here is how to perform the seated military barbell behind the neck – shoulder press performance, follow this easy guide whenever you want to do it.

  • Position correctly.  Seat down with your back straight, and grab the straight barbell with your arms should be slightly bent.
  • Lift the barbell over to your head.
  • The grip you want to use for the barbell behind the neck shoulder press is an underhand grip of about 5 to 6 inches is the distance between the two hands.
  • Let the barbell rest on your shoulders behind the neck.
  •  Your hands equilibrate to the side of your shoulder for good support.
  • Push your body forward slightly so that you wouldn’t hurt your back and the back of your neck.
  • So,  lift the bar up slowly and carefully.
  • Then return it back gently to the beginning position you should be concentrated and performed it with good care so that your shoulders wouldn’t get hurt during the performance.

It is advised to start with lightweight first to see and determine your strength before going on a heavier weight.

Your abs should be pulled-in and straight during the exercise.

 Do not overweight to prevent your shoulder from injury and do not hollow your back when you are lifting the bar up, your feet should not move around, and do not look down.

Seated Military Barbell Behind Necks Workout Guide
Seated Military Barbell Behind Necks Workout Guide
military barbell behind the neck

Look straight forward. You should be in total control of the situation throughout the performance.

Remember that it is important to sit straight and that if you are performing it standing you must be in a straight position.

The down motion should be slightly slower than the up motion. Be careful of the back of your head. Do not create any momentum or difficulties that can jeopardize the good performance of this exercise.

Check out this video below for it shows you how to properly perform Seated Military Barbell Behind Necks Workout Guide

Precautions and safety guide

Here are the precautions and the safety guides to take during military barbell behind the neck – shoulder press performance, follow them whenever you want to perform this exercise.

  • Position straight with your back straight throughout the exercise and don’t look downward.
  • Concentrated looking straight forward and do not move your feet around.
  • Your arms should be bending a little use an underhand grip with 5 to 6 inches distance and the barbell behind your neck.
  •  Do not overweight because that may hurt your back and your joint be careful of the back and your head.
  • When lifting up the bar do not hollow your back.
  • Hold the barbell very tight do not let the barbell stray off of your hands, however, the down motion should be slightly slower than the up motion and do not create any momentum or difficulties.


Here is some benefit in performing the military barbell behind the neck – shoulder press.

  • It helps train the shoulders and joints. The military barbell behind the neck – shoulder press helps train the shoulder and it is also good for shoulder extension.
  • It helps train and strength back the joint too.
  • It is one of the great shoulders exercise that also help train the back muscles, good for side deltoids, and adds more strength to your shoulder.


This post has shown you how to perfectly perform Seated Military Barbell Behind Necks Workout Guide including video images and text on how to do it.

If you have any question comment or anything concerning this topic please feel free to leave them in the comment section below. If this post helps you please share it with others thanks. 


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