Dip On Dip Machine Triceps Chest Workout Guide

On exercise, you going to know how to do the Dip On Dip Machine Triceps Chest Workout Guide including video, text, and image on how to properly perform it. If you have any questions concerning this topic please feel free to leave them in the comment section down the bottom.

Dip On Dip Machine

The dip on the dip machine is a great exercise that trains the chest and triceps at the same time. 

An important exercise to target and trains triceps effectively and deeper. It’s performed by grabbing the handles of the dip machine and positioned your feet off the ground.

You can also train other muscle groups like your chest and ab with this single position. You need a dip machine to suspend yourself in the air with your legs hanging down.

You need to equilibrate your body throughout the performance of this exercise.

Do not create momentum or any difficulties that can jeopardize the good performance of this exercise.

Dip On Dip Machine Triceps Chest Workout Guide

Here is how to do the dip on dip machine to train triceps and chest muscles, follow this easy guide whenever you want to perform it.

  • Position yourself well while standing close to the dip machine.
  • Grab the handles in each hand and place your feet on the footrests of the machine.Dip On Dip Machine Triceps Workout Guide
  • Press until your arms are extended, get back into the starting position with your legs suspended from the ground, your legs should not touch the ground when you get back up.
  • Your back should be straight throughout the performance and do not hollow your back.
  • Your body should not be twisted when performing this exercise.
  • Then, lower your body slowly until your upper arm is parallel with the floor or your chest is level with the bars and inhale as you do.
  • However, the lowering motion and the down process motion should be slow and steady.
  • Slowly lower your body upward again until your arms are extended and exhale as you do.
  • Lower down as far as you can before you press back up again for more triceps muscle contract and efficiency.
  • Be careful of your shoulders during the performance don’t create difficulties or injuries to your shoulders.
Dip On Dip Machine Triceps Chest Workout Guide
Dip On Dip Machine Triceps Workout Guide
  • Be attentive throughout the exercise hold the handles very well and tight.
  • Repeat the process again to your desire reps.
  • Do not swing yourself up and down when performing this exercise, go slow and steady.


Check out this video below for it shows you how to properly perform Dip On Dip Machine Triceps Chest Workout Guide

Safety Measures

Here are some safety measures to take when performing dips on the dip machine, follow this whenever you want to do it.

  • Keep correct position and be straight, position yourself well onto the machine throughout the performance.
  • Your legs should be suspended from the ground your body should not be twisted throughout the exercise.
  • Grab the handles in each side hands and press until your arms are extended.
  • Do not hollow your back, let your back be straight, and make sure you lower down as you can before you press up back again.

Go slowly focus and concentrate throughout performing this exercise.

You should be in control throughout the exercise. Don’t swing yourself up and down when performing this exercise

Do not create momentum or any difficulties that can jeopardize the good performance.


Here are some benefits of performing dips on a dip machine.

  • It helps to train triceps muscle and also boosts more straighten to the chest.
  • The dips on the dip machine help to train the triceps muscles for more strength and add more mass muscle.
  • It trains abdominals and also helps train chest muscles at this same single position.


This post has shown you how to perfectly perform Dip On Dip Machine Triceps Chest Workout Guide including video images and text on how to do it.

If you have any question comment or anything concerning this topic please feel free to leave them in the comment section below. If this post helps you please share it with others thanks. 

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