Cable Internal Rotation Workout Guide

The Cable internal rotation workout guide, best performed on a pulley machine by sitting on the floor. is a shoulder exercise, one best exercise that helps in training the biceps, inner shoulder muscle, in-between the collarbone and biceps.

Just don’t move or rotate your other part of your body during the exercise, you only need to move your shoulder.

The cable internal rotation is a  powerful exercise that helps in boosting strength and more power, it is one of the great exercise that trains the upper part of your shoulder muscle.

Cable Internal Rotation Workout Guide

Here is How to do the cable internal rotation-shoulder exercise, follow this exercise guide whenever you want to perform it.

  • Take a good position and sit tight on a bench or on the floor or your mat and looking straight forward.
  • Do not look down and extend your legs in front of you.
  • If you want you can also lean against something that can bear your weight.
  • So, hold the pulley handle with one of your hands and keep your elbow close to your waist.
  • Remain still, with the other part of your body, your upper arm should be aligned vertically and your elbow should be bending to 90 degrees.
  •  Pull the handle slowly horizontally to the left side for your trunk and don’t move your elbow.
  • Remember that you are going to be pulling the handle with the strength of your shoulder so,  use only the strength of your shoulder and inhale as you go.
  • Go back to the beginning position and exhale as you go.
  • The opening motion should be slightly slower than the closing motion. Upon performing this exercise do not overweight your shoulder and most important be focused and concentrated throughout the exercise.
  • Performed with good care You may need to be observed by an expert or a personal trainer.
  • Never create any momentum or difficulties for yourself and do not twist your upper body during the workout.
  • Your elbow should be staying closer to your waist as best as you can in order to be in alignment with your upper body.

Move your shoulders not the upper part of your body.

Do not hollow your back when performing this exercise.

Then repeat the process again prior to your desired repetitions.

You might get injured so, do not overweight yourself or your shoulders may get hurt with that. Load weight that your shoulders can control.

Be focused concentrate, do not let the handle of the pulley draw you back and the weight shouldn’t control your maintenance the balance throughout the exercise.

Check out this video below for it shows you how to properly perform the Cable Internal Rotation workout guide 

Safety Measures

Here are some safety measures to take when doing the cable internal rotation. follow this whenever you want to do it.

  • Position yourself well and move only your shoulder to make sure that the upper part of your body remains still.
  • Only your shoulders should be moving not all the parts of your body throughout the exercise.
  • Don’t look down look straight forward and don’t hollow your back or move your elbow throughout the performance.
  • You should be pulling the handle with the strength of your shoulder Keep your elbow close to your waist and pull the handle with only the strength of your hands.
  • Your upper arm should be aligned vertically and your elbow should bend to 90 degrees.
  • Your back should be straight during the exercise. so, keep your back straight throughout. 
  • Extend your legs in front of you and do not hollow your back when performing this exercise. Do not swing or twist your upper body that may get you injured.


Here some benefits of doing the Cable internal rotation.

  • It helps to train the shoulders to add more power and strength to them. Cable internal rotation is an effective shoulder exercise, 
  • It helps in training your biceps, inner shoulder muscle, and in-between the collarbone and biceps.
  • It is one of the best exercises that train the upper part of your shoulder muscle.
  •  It is good for the deltoids and it helps train the front of the deltoid muscle.
  • It can transform and add more strength to your shoulder joint.
  • Cable internal rotation is also good for shoulder extensions too.


This post has shown you how to perfectly perform the Cable Internal Rotation workout guide including video images and text on how to do it.

If you have any question comment or anything concerning this topic please feel free to leave them in the comment section below. If this post helps you please share it with others thanks. 





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