Forearms Barbell or EZ Curl Workout Guide

The forearm training and exercise is something you don’t really wanna skip out on. The Forearm Barbell or EZ curl Workout Guide is a great exercise performance for forearm training and to boost more muscles.

It is one of the best exercises that train the flexors and that of the forearm muscles better. It is performed by putting your forearms on your thighs or on a plat bench and flexing the barbell or an EZ-bar.

Forearms Barbell or EZ Curl Workout Guide

Check out how to train your forearm and strength your wrist with this exercise, follow this easy guide whenever you want to do it. 

  • Keep it in your mind always that position is very important to start with any exercise.
  • So, keep a correct position while sitting down on a flat bench. 
  • Put your forearm on your thighs, position your forearms to be comfortable, and lean forward. You are going to move your wrist and it should be right-over your knees and keep your forearms parallel throughout the exercise.
  • Then, grab the barbell with an underhand grip, you can also hold the barbell with your thumbs at the bottom side of the bar or with the thumbs on top.
  • However, you can use the EZ-bar to perform the exercise just make sure that you use the bar that makes your wrist more comfortable and makes sure that you do not overweight your wrist.
  • So, flex your wrists and curl the barbell up slowly hold it for a second at the highest position and exhale as you do move the weight slowly and carefully.
  • Do not move your hands around during the curl. Your forearms should remain flat on your thighs.
 Forearms Barbell or EZ Curl Workout Guide
Forearms Barbell or EZ Curl Workout Guide
  • Then bring the barbell back to the beginning and inhale as you go down.
  • Make that the down motion should be slightly slower than the up motion, your forearms should be contracted both of them at a high position and lower point of the movement.
  • Concentrate and in control of the weight when performing this exercise, the weight must not stray or fall off from your hands throughout the performance.
  • This exercise should be performed slowly.
  • Do not overweight and  Protect your relaxed joint. Repeat the process again to your desired reps.
  • You should not create momentum or any difficulties that can jeopardize the good performance of this exercise.

Check out this video below for it shows you how to properly perform Forearms Barbell or EZ curl Workout Guide


Precautions and safety measures

Here are some precautions and safety measures to take when performing barbell wrist curls. follow them whenever you want to perform this exercise 

  • Keep the correct position and use an underhand grip.
  • Position yourself and your forearms to be comfortable, your wrist should be right-over your knees or on a flat bench.
  • Keep your forearms parallel throughout the exercise.
  • Do not create momentum or any difficulties that can jeopardize the good performance of this exercise.
  • Grab the barbell with an underhand grip Protect your relaxed joint, don’t overweight your wrist.
  • Move slowly focus and concentrate. This exercise should be performed slowly move don’t rust yourself.
  • The weight slowly and carefully the down motion should be slightly slower than the up motion and hold for a second at the highest position.
  • Your forearms should be contracted both in the position and lower point.
  • Concentrate the weight must not stray or fall off from your hands. Throughout the performance make sure that your forearms remain flat on your thighs during the curl.


Here are some benefits you in performing barbell wrist curl.

It helps target, train, and strength the forearms muscles.

The barbell wrist curl is one one of the effective forearm exercise that helps train the arms muscle, it trains the wrist and adds more strength to your arms it also boosts more mass muscles.


This post has shown you how to perfectly perform the Forearms Barbell or EZ curl Workout Guide including video images and text on how to do it.

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