Decline Dumbbell Bench Press Guide

Decline Dumbbell Bench Press Guide is done by putting your forearms on your thighs and flexing the barbell or an EZ-bar. One of the great exercise to train and strength the lower part of the chest.

This exercise is aiming to target the lower part of the chest. You are in a decline position so start with a lightweight because you will have less control of the weight at decline level.

You may need an assistant to pass you the weight during the exercise.

Equipment needed 

To perform this exercise you need a decline bench and pair of dumbbells. It is advised to not overweight and gets started with the lightweight because as Compare to the bench press you are in a decline position.

If you are newer to this exercise you may want to carry the weight on your knees at the top of the movement as you get into the position and bring them back to your chest.

Be concentrate throughout the performance don’t create any momentum or difficulty for yourself to do the exercise correctly in the way it supposed to be performed.

The decline dumbbell bench press also trains the front of your shoulders and your triceps.

Decline Dumbbell Bench Press Guide

Here is how to do the decline dumbbell bench press follow the easy guide here whenever you want to perform the exercise. 

  • The first thing you will have to do is to Position yourself correctly well and grab a pair of dumbbells.
  • Then slowly position yourself on the decline bench.
  • While still on the decline bench, grab two dumbbells in an overhand grip.
  • Rest the dumbbells in an upright position on the edge of your knees carefully while lie on the flat bench bring the dumbbells to the sides of your torso at your chest level.
  • And remember that if you are newer to this exercise it may take you some practice for you to cash-up with this exercise.
  • So,  bring the dumbbells up slowly and simultaneously adjust the dumbbells with your arms fully extended at right angles to the floor your feet should be planted firmly during and throughout the process.
  • Press the weight up to the locked position, makes sure that the dumbbells are held directly over your chest area, slightly touching each other with your palms facing forward.
  • Hold the weight tight, Focus and concentrate don’t let the weight stray or fall off from your hands.
 decline dumbbell bench press
Decline Dumbbell Bench Press Guide
  • Be careful don’t bounce the weight from your chest and keep your elbows out and away from the trunk of your body.
  • Then, bend your arms slowly lower both dumbbells in a slow and concentrate it on your chest never forget that the dumbbells should be at the sides of your chest.
  • Slowly press the weight back up from the sides of your chest to the starting position.
  • The down motion should be slightly slower than the up motion. Then repeat the process again to your desire reps.



Safety Measures

Here are important safety measures to take when doing the decline dumbbell bench press.

Position well and make an overhand grip

  •  Your position should be well in line with the exercise.
  • Your feet should be planted firmly during the exercise.
  • Grasp two dumbbells in an overhand grip and keep your elbows out and away from the trunk of your body.

Move slowly don’t bend your arms.

  • Move Slowly and carefully lower both dumbbells slowly and concentrate.
  • Make sure to bring the dumbbells up simultaneously focus and concentrate.
  • Don’t let the weight stray or fall off from your hands hold it well.
  • Do not bounce the weight from your chest makes sure that the dumbbells held directly over your chest area slightly touching each other with your palms facing forward.


Here are some benefits of doing the decline dumbbell bench press.

This exercise is the best exercise to train the lower part of the chest as long as chest training is at stake.

The decline dumbbell bench press gives you more extra chest muscle it targets and trains the lower chest.

It also helps to train the triceps and the front of the shoulders, plus more so also helps build good definition to the chest.


This post has shown you how to perfectly perform Back Extension-Back Exercise Performance including video images and text on how to do it.

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