How To Do Reverse Barbell Curl Standing

The reverse barbell curl is one of the effective exercise that trains the forearm muscles, it can be performed standing and hold the barbell or by seating down on a preacher bench. On this topic, I am going to be walking you through how to do reverse barbell curl standing to train your forearm muscles including video and image on how to perform it. If you have any questions concerning this topic please feel free to leave them in the comment section. 

About Reserve barbell curl  standing 

The reverse barbell curl is similar to the barbell biceps curl but the grab is what makes it to be different. type of curl/movement will also train the biceps muscles partially.

Reverse Barbell Curl Standing
Reverse Barbell Curl Standing 1
Reverse Barbell Curl Standing 1
How To Do Reverse Barbell Curl Standing


It is performed with an overhand grip while the barbell biceps curl is performed with an underhand grip. It is one of the forearm exercise to train and strengthen your forearm muscles.

Equipment Needed 

To start with the reverse barbell curl you need a straight bar or an EZ-bar. And use an overhand grip for it. 

How To Do Reverse Barbell Curl Standing

Step 1. 

  • Position yourself, stand straight and look forward.
  • Grab the barbell with an overhand grip.
  • Keep your elbows still and close to your waist.

Your fingers should be on the top of the bar and your thumbs on the bottom. Your hands should be at your shoulder width and the upper arms remain vertical to your body. Slightly round your back but do not lean back.

Step 2. 

  • Curl the weight up and don’t move your legs.
  • Curl up until your hands are over the elbow height, pause briefly at that position and exhale as you go.
  •  Lower the barbell back to the start position slowly
  •  Repeat the same process again to your desired reps.


  • Your back and your upper arms must remain still throughout.
  • Load the weight that your power can control.
  • Don’t lean back or move your legs when you curl up the barbell.
  • The down motion should be slightly slower than the down motion, your legs most not move around during the performance.
  • Be focus and in control of the weight do not let it fall or stray off of your hands and you may need to be observed by an expert or a personal trainer.
  • Do not create any momentum or difficulties for yourself during the performance.


 Follow these precautions and safety guidelines when doing reverse barbell curl.

  • Keep your elbows still and close to your waist. Your fingers must be on the top of the bar and your thumbs on the bottom. Grab the barbell with an overhand grip.
  • Your hands must be at your shoulder width and the upper arms remain vertical to your body. Round your back slightly. Do not lean back during the curling. Don’t move too fast and be still
  • Curl the weight up slowly and go back to the beginning slowly. Lower down until your elbows are fully extended.
  • The down motion must be slightly slower than the down motion.
  • Your back and your upper arms must remain still throughout. Your legs must not move around during the performance. Moderate the weight for more efficiency.
  • Load the weight that your can power can control and don’t overweight yourself. The weight must not fall or stray off of your hands. You must be in full control throughout the performance.

Benefits in doing reverse barbell curl.

  How To Do Reverse Barbell Curl Standing -Conclusion

This post has helped you on How To Do Reverse Barbell Curl Standing. 
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