How To Do Pushup To Train Triceps And Shoulder

   A free weight workout exercise, one of the 2-in-one strength fitness exercise that can be performed anywhere to target and train your triceps and shoulders muscle. On this topic, I am going to be walking you through how to do pushup to train triceps and shoulder muscles including video and image on how to perform it. If you have any questions concerning this topic please feel free to leave them in the comment section. 

About Triceps and shoulder pushup 


This is a shoulder and triceps exercise, and it is a great alternative for close grip bench press. A normal push-up that helps train the triceps and the shoulder muscles. 

Equipment needed 

 On this exercise, you will be using your body weight to train and strength your triceps and shoulders muscles. The Triceps and shoulder push-up is performed with your arms close together and parallels to the floor when you go down.


You should not open sideways when going down and your elbows must stay close to your trunk.

How To Do Pushup To Train Triceps And Shoulder

Step 1. 

  • Position yourself on the floor by lying down as if you are about to perform the normal push-ups.   
  • Plant your hands firmly on the floor and lean forward a little.

Check out this video below for it shows you How To Do Pushup To Train Triceps And Shoulder

Step 2. 

  • Lower your chest slowly toward the floor till your chest touches the floor or almost to the floor, and exhale as you go down.
  •  Then spouse briefly contracts fully your muscles.
  • Then, push  yourself back up slowly and inhale as you use your abdominal strength   


Triceps And Shoulder  Pushups-How To Do Pushup To Train Triceps And Shoulder
How To Do Pushup To Train Triceps And Shoulder



  • Extend your arms and squeeze your triceps for a full contraction 
  • Repeat the process again to your desire reps.


Do not hollow your back when going down or when you getting back up. Your back should be straight throughout the exercise  

The distance between your hands should be about one shoulder-width apart. Make sure that your hands are under your stomach.

The lower motion should be slightly slower than the up motion don’t be too fast when performing this exercise.

Your arms should remain parallel throughout the performance.

Do not create momentum or any difficulties that can jeopardize the good performance of this exercise. It is advised to perform correctly in the way it supposed to be performed.


Here are some precautions and safety guidelines to follow when performing triceps and shoulder pushups, follow them for a perfect performance anytime. 

  • Your hands should be under your stomach.
  • Plant your hands firmly on the floor firmly and make sure that your hands are under your stomach when you go down and take care of the distance between your hands.
  • It advised that the distance between your hands should be about one shoulder-width apart.
  • Your arms should remain parallel throughout the performance and be concentrate throughout the exercise.
  • Your back should be straight throughout the exercise.
  • Do not hollow your back when going down or when you getting back up your back must remain straight throughout the performance. Lower your chest slowly and painstakingly toward the floor your chest should touch the floor or almost to the floor.
  • Do not bend your legs throughout the performance of this exercise.
  • Your legs must remain straight throughout.
  • Do not be too fast when performing this exercise.
  • Go down slowly and push yourself up slowly.
  • The lower motion should be slightly slower than the up motion. Do not create momentum or any difficulties that can jeopardize the good performance of this exercise.


Here are some benefits of performing triceps and shoulder pushups.

  • It is great to target and train the triceps it trains and strength the triceps and shoulder muscles better. 
  • It helps to boost more shoulder side and partially train your abdominal muscles too.
  • It also gives mass triceps muscle, it is one of the best triceps exercise you can do for your triceps.
  • It helps train and strength shoulders, triceps, and shoulder push-up also helps to train the chest muscles.

How To Do Pushup To Train Triceps And Shoulder -Conclusion

This post has helped you with How To Do Pushup To Train Triceps And Shoulder with video and image to do it perfectly. 
If you have any question comment or anything concerning this topic please feel free to leave them in the comment section below. If this post helps you please share it with others thanks.