Barbell Military Shoulder Press Standing Workout Guide

I’m going to be walking you through the  Barbell Military Shoulder Press Standing Workout Guide to train shoulders in the right way also include video and image on how to properly perform it, however, if you have questions concerning this topic please feel free to leave them at the comment section. 

About Barbell Military Shoulder Press Standing 

The barbell military shoulder press standing is one of the effective strength shoulder exercise that train and boost more strength to the shoulders.

It is performed standing, holding, and lifting the barbell up and down consecutively.

The  Standing barbell military shoulder press is best performed at the beginning of your various shoulder exercise.

Equipment Needed 

You will need a straight bar for this exercise. The Standing barbell military shoulder press standing is important for the enhancement of the size of the shoulders and it’s the brother to the  Seated barbell military shoulder press.

If performed correctly in a way it supposes to be performed barbell military shoulder press standing is an essential shoulder exercise and one of the heaviest.

Barbell Military Shoulder Press Standing Workout Guide

Here is How to perform standing barbell military shoulder press, follow this easy guide whenever you want to do it.


  • Position yourself very well and stand upright with your feet about one shoulder-width apart.
  • Grab the barbell and hold it with your hands slightly less than 2 shoulder widths apart and contract your abdominals slightly.
  • Don’t bend your upper body and your knees should almost be extended and don’t hollow your back either,  your back should be straight throughout the performance.


  • So,  Push the weight slowly straight up to your arm’s length without bending your back as you push the bar over your head and exhale as you push up. 
  • Lower the weight to your ear or your shoulder height slowly and inhale as you do.
  • Repeat the same process again prior to your desired reps.

Be careful and concentrate don’t let the weight fall or stray out of your hands.

 You should be looking straight forward don’t look down during the push-up.

 Lower the weight to your ear or your shoulder height slowly and inhale as you do. The lowering motion should be slightly slower than the push-up motion.

It is advised to perform the Standing barbell military shoulder press with care don’t do this exercise if you are having any problem on your shoulders.

when performing this exercise do not create any momentum or any difficulties that can jeopardize the correct performance.

Keep your legs still, do not move your legs during pulling and throughout the exercise.

 Do not overweight yourself load the weight that your power can control the weight must not fall off of your hands and don’t let the weight control you.

It is advised to perform the barbell military shoulder press in front of a mirror with this you can see if you are doing it right. 

Check out this video below for it shows you how to properly perform Barbell Military Shoulder Press Standing Workout Guide


Precautions and safety guide

Here are some safety measures to take when performing Standing barbell military shoulder press, these guides here whenever you want to do it.

  • Keep a correct position and be straight. Make sure that your upper body is straight look straight forward and do not bend your back.
  • Your knees must remain still on the floor almost, extend Your feet to be about one shoulder-width apart.
  • Hold the weight tight with an overhand grip and your hands slightly less than the two shoulder widths apart.
  • Move slowly, don’t create difficulties focus and concentrate, make sure that when performing this exercise you don’t create any momentum or difficulties that can jeopardize the good performance, don’t move back and forth.
  • Do not overweight your shoulder load the weight that your power can control.
  • It’s advised to performed barbell military shoulder press  Standing at the beginning of your shoulder workout.


Here are the benefits of performing the military Standing barbell shoulder press.

  • It perfectly targets and train shoulders plus it boosts more strength also to the train deltoids.
  • It’s strength effective shoulder exercise that helps train front delts( front of your shoulder) properly.
  • It adds strength to the shoulder joints and it also good for (side deltoids side of the shoulder). It’s great for shoulder extension and to adds more size.


This post has shown you how to perfectly perform the Barbell Military Shoulder Press Standing Workout Guide including video images and text on how to do it.

If you have any question comment or anything concerning this topic please feel free to leave them in the comment section below. If this post helps you please share it with others thanks. 

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