Pull Down Behind Neck Workout Guide

I’m going to be walking you through how to do the Pull Down Behind Neck Workout Guide  including video and image on how to properly perform it, however if you have question concerning this topic please feel free to leave them at the comment section. Pull Down Behind Neck Workout Guide

About Pull Down Behind Neck 

The pull-down behind the neck is one of the great back exercise that target, train and strengthen the (dorsi latissimus)  better than any other exercise. If you goal  is to have a huge back then this exercise is for you You can target and make your back  huge with this exercise.  It is one of the best exercise to train back effectively for more size and Vshape body building figure.

Equipment Needed 

This exercise is best performed with the universal pull-down bar machine. by focusing and concentrating  on correct pulling throughout the performance. this an important exercise that can ttanform your body when correctly and regularly.

Pull Down Behind Neck Workout Guide

Here ishow to perform pull down behind the neck, follow this easy steps when ever you want to perform it.

Step 1. 

  • Position  yourself correctly by siting  down under  the pull-down bar.
  • Grab the bar with approximately two shoulder widths apart.
  • Your back should be straight and vertical under the pull-down bar.

Step 2. 

  • Pull down the bar down  slowly until it touches your neck or the top of your back .
  • Return to the beginning position slowly  in a straight vertical line.
  • Exhale as you pull down and rotate your arms back a little.
  • Repeat the same process again to your desire reps.

Do not lean forward too much when you pull down the bar so, that you can be able to extend your shoulder.

Do not elevate one shoulder more than the other, Don’t be too fast when pulling the bar down to your neck.

Extend your arms again and inhale at the same time as you go.

 The up-motion should be slightly slower than the down-motion 

Hold your hands tight to the bar don’t let the bar escape from your hand. 

Check out this video below for it shows you how to properly perform Pull Down Behind Neck Workout Guide


Here are some precoution and safety steps to take when performing pull down behind the neck, follow this guides here when ever you are doing it.

  • Keep a correct position focus and concentrate.
  • keep your back straight and vertical under the pull-down bar and Pull down the bar until it touches your neck or the top of your back.
  • Do not create any difficulty for yourself throughout the performance.
  •  Load weight that your power can be able to control  do not overweight don’t let the weight control you, the bar must be holding tight to your hands.


Here are some benefits in performing pull down behind the neck.

  • It helps to train and strengthen back. Pull down behind the neck is a great exercise that strengthen back.
  • One of the best exercise that  train the latissimus dorsi better.
  • It can boost huge back and more strength to the shoulders joint.
  •  The regular performance of this exercise leads to an healthy back free from stress strain and thereby, reduce the back pain drastically.
  • Pull down behind the neck support your back  and gives you that Vshape figure that other back exercise doesnt.


This post has shown you how to perfectly perform Pull Down Behind Neck Workout Guide including video images and text on how to do it.

If you have any question comment or anything concerning this topic please feel free to leave them in the comment section below. If this post helps you please share it with others thanks. 



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