Handstand Push Up Workout Guide

I’m going to be walking you through how to do the Handstand Push Up Workout Guide in the right way include video on how to properly perform it however if you have a question concerning this topic please feel free to leave them at the comment section. 

About Handstand Push Up 

The handstand pushup is a shoulder and strength exercise that train shoulders muscles and partially train tricep and bicep. It is one of those shoulder exercises that you can do at home or wherever you are. Handstand can be performed alternatively to the barbell shoulder press to target, train and strength your shoulders.

How It Perform

It is perform planting your hands on the floor close to the wall, Carefully and move down until your head touches the floor. The handstand push-up is an important exercise for your shoulder muscles and it also trains your biceps and triceps.

Handstand Push Up Workout Guide

Here is how Handstand push-up can be performed, follow this easy guide whenever you want to do this exercise. 

  • Position yourself correctly and plant your hand on to the floor and make a handstand like position.
  • Let your hands be about one shoulder-width apart, plant hands close to the wall and move down Carefully until your head partially touches the floor and inhale as you go down.
  • Then Push up again back to the up position and exhale as you do.
  • Repeat the process again to your desired reps.

You can use the push-up bars instead of planting your hands on the floor just make sure that you set it well. Make sure that the pushup bars can’t tip-off on the floor during the performance when handstand on them.

Don’t rest on your head when you go down and make sure your back is straight throughout the exercise.

It is good to use pushup bars because of the wide range of the shoulder muscles and the fact that you can lower furthermore down and make it to be more useful for this exercise.

Handstand Push Up Workout Guide
Handstand Push Up Workout Guide
Handstand push up

You should lower down slowly and carefully and do not create any difficulties or momentum that can jeopardize the good performance.

The down motion should be slightly slower than the up motion. 

Concentrate and focus on pushing yourself up and lowering down.

Check out this video below for it shows you how to properly perform Handstand Push Up Workout Guide 

Precautions And Safety Guides. 

 Here are the precautions and safety guides to during handstand pushup for better performance, follow these guides when ever you want perform it.

  • Keep a good position and move slowly.
  • Plant your hands close to the wall, your hands should be about one shoulder-width apart lower down slowly and carefully the down motion should be slightly slower than the up motion.
  • Be straight focus and concentrate throughout.
  • Your back should be straight throughout the exercise and don’t rest on your head when you go down.
  • Don’t hollow your back.
  •  If you are using the push-up bar make sure that the pushup bars can’t tip-off from the floor.
  • Don’t create any momentum that can will jeopardize the exercise.


Here are  benefits in performing handstand push-up train.

  • It helps to train shoulder and boost more size to it.
  • Handstand push-up train the shoulders muscles and it is also good for shoulder extension.
  • It help train the triceps.
  • It is also good for side deltoids.
  • Handstand push-up is a great exercise to train in front of your delts.


This post has shown you how to perfectly perform Handstand Push Up Workout Guide including video images and text on how to do it.

If you have any question comment or anything concerning this topic please feel free to leave them in the comment section below. If this post helps you please share it with others thanks. 



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