Cable Side Bend Ab Obliques Workout Guide

The Cable Side Bend Ab Obliques Workout exercise helps target and train obliques ( both sides of ab). It is one of the best ab exercises to more strength to the side abdominal.

Equipment needed 

To perform this exercise you need a universal pulley machine, Cable side bend is very effective to train the oblique muscles for more strength. However, it’s an exercise to perform correctly in a way it supposed to be performed.

This exercise can be performed in alternative to the dumbbell side bend.

Cable Side Bend Ab Obliques Workout Guide

Here is how to perform the Cable side bend to target and train your obliques muscle, follow the easy guide whenever you want to perform it.

  • Position yourself by standing upright with your back straight, extend your legs and your feet be about shoulder-width apart.
  • Adjust the cable and, you may want to start with the lightweight to warm-up.
  • Grab the handle with your palm facing your shoulder, pulley pull down the handle by bending slowly and painstaking looking straight forward, and exhale all the way.
  • Pull the weight with the strength of your upper body.
  • Do not pull the weight by the strength of your arm. 
  • Bend your upper body in one layer and look straight forward as you bend.
    • Cable Side Bend Ab Obliques Workout GuideCable Side Bend Ab Obliques Workout Guide

  • Pull down the handle as you can until the side of your abdomen fully contracts and the other side of your abdomen is partially stretched.
  • Your hips should stay still during the pulling, do not move your hips and your knees, don’t move and bend forward or backward during the performance.
  • Pull till your elbow touches your waist, your spine should not pass the vertical level. move slowly when you move and keep your hips and your knees still.
  • Repeat the process again from the beginning position until you reach your desired repetitions.

Check out this video below for it shows you how to properly perform Cable Side Bend Ab Obliques Workout Guide

Precaution and safety guide

Here are precautions and safety guides to take when performing cable side bend, follow this whenever you want to perform this exercise.

  • keep correct position and be straight throughout the exercise.
  • Your back should be straight throughout the exercise, bend only your upper body in one layer and pull the weight with the weight of your upper body only.
  • Don’t pull with the strength of your arm.
  • Don’t move your knees when pulling weight, your feet must be about one shoulder-width apart you will also have to extend your legs.
  • Your spine should not pass the vertical level and make sure that you grab the handle with your palm facing your shoulder.
  • Pull the handle as you can until the side of your abdominals is fully contracted, don’t try to bend forward or backward during the movement.
  • Concentrate and move slowly. Bend slowly and carefully while looking straight forward don’t move too fast and keep your hips and your knees still.
  • Be careful when bending your side, you may start with the lightweight to whom-up yourself and make sure that you pull till your elbow touches your waist and your hips stay still.


Here are some benefits of doing cable side bend.

It helps train and also strengthens the obliques. The cable side bend is one of the best abdominal exercise to make the oblique look great and healthy.

It helps train the oblique better and helps with more abdominal strength.

It helps burn excess belly fat it helps with more abdominal muscles and strength.

It prevents stomach disorder cable side bend can help you lose some of your out excess belly fat and it helps make stay great and stronger.


This post has shown you how to perfectly perform Cable Side Bend Ab Obliques Workout Guide including video images and text on how to do it.

If you have any question comment or anything concerning this topic please feel free to leave them in the comment section below. If this post helps you please share it with others thanks. 


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