Plate Front Raise-Shoulder Workout Guide

Plate Front Raise-Shoulder Workout will help you target train and boost strength to your shoulders and on this topic, I am going to be waking through how to perfectly perform it including videos on you to perform it. If you have any questions concerning this topic please feel free to leave them at the comment section down the bottom.

This particular exercise also helps to train the anterior, lateral deltoid it also helps in training the pectoral and serratus at some time with just only this exercise you can do more.

The plate front raise is a shoulder exercise, it is one of the effective and important shoulder exercises that train the front side of the deltoid.

You can perform this exercise in a parallel stance front raise can also be performed standing and holding a plate with both hands.

Plate front raise is a very effective exercise aiming at training and perfect your shoulders. It’s advised to be focused and concentrate throughout the exercise.

Plate Front Raise Shoulder Workout Guide

Here is How to train with the Plate front raise-shoulder exercise, follow this easy guide whenever you want to perform it.

  • Stand straight in a very good position then, grab a plate and hold it with both of your hands while standing upright with one of your legs slightly in front.
  • It is advised to start with a lower weight of at least 5 to 10 kilograms and make sure you do not overweight your shoulders. Hold the weight that your power can control.
  • Your upper body should be straight and do not hollow your back when performing this exercise.
Plate Front Raise-Shoulder Workout Guide
    Plate Front Raise-Shoulder Workout Guide

Contract your abdominal a little while still keep your shoulder. Your elbows should be slightly bent. Exhale as you lift the slowly and carefully.

your shoulder should be still throughout the exercise do not lean back during the lifting. It is also advised to perform this exercise in front of a mirror to make sure how straight are you during the exercise.

Do not elevate your shoulders and do not move your elbows. When you raised the plate to the highest level hold for a second or 2 before lower the weight, until the plate touches your thighs and inhale.

The down motion should be slightly slower than the up motion is concentrate and focus on lifting the weight make sure that the plate must not fall down nor stray from your hands. Do not create any difficulties that can jeopardize the performance of this exercise.

Check out this video below for it shows you how to properly perform Plate Front Raise-Shoulder Workout Guide 

Safety Measures

Here are some safety measures to take when performing Plate front raise, follow this guide whenever you are doing this exercise.

  • Keep a correct position and never overweight yourself.
  • Position yourself very well and do not lean back and forth when you lifting the weight your upper body should be straight and still.
  • keep your shoulder still throughout the exercise, your elbows should be slightly bent.
  • Do not hollow your back when performing this exercise.
  • Make sure you do not overweight your shoulders.
  • Hold the weight that your power can control you may start with 5 to 10 kilograms.
  • keep your concentration focus and move on slowly.
  •  Make sure that you keep your abdominal slightly contracted do not elevate your shoulders and do not move your elbows.
  • When you raised the plate to the highest level hold the position for a second or two, lower the weight until the plate touches your tights.
  • Do not create any difficulties that can jeopardize the good performance the plate must not fall down from your hands.
  • The down motion should be slightly slower than the up motion.


Here are some benefits of performing Plate front raise.

The plate front raises helps in training the shoulder and also add more strength. It trains the shoulder in front of your delts and also good for side deltoids.

It is good for shoulder extension and adds strength to your shoulder joint.

it helps train the anterior, lateral deltoids it also helps in training the pectoral and serratus some time.


This post has shown you how to perfectly perform Plate Front Raise-Shoulder Workout Guide including video images and text on how to do it.

If you have any question comment or anything concerning this topic please feel free to leave them in the comment section below. If this post helps you please share it with others thanks.