One Arm Dumbbell Row Workout Guide

The one arm dumbbell row workout guide, a great exercise workout to build and strength (isolated) muscle and it also makes the back wider and stronger.

It is one of the greatest back exercises that will efficiently train and strength your back. Dumbbell rows are a very efficient exercise and you really going to feel the effect on your back during performance. Great for strength or if you want to make your back stronger or wider. Its the one of the best exercise for a better back.

One Arm Dumbbell Row Workout Guide

 Here is how to exercise and maintain with the one-arm dumbbell row follow this easy guide whenever you want to perform the exercise.

  • The first thing you will want to do is to position yourself properly. While your right foot is flattened on the floor, rest your left knee on a flat bench, your back flat and it should be almost parallel with the floor throughout the performance.
  • Then, lean forward with your left arm on the bench you are going to be using your hand to supporting the weight of your upper body reaches down.
One Arm Dumbbell Row Workout Guide
One Arm Dumbbell Row Workout Guide


  • Grab up a dumbbell with your right hand, your left arm should be locked at the elbow so that it will support the weight of your upper body.
  • Look straight forward don’t look down during the process and keep your back straight don’t hollow your back.
  • Pull your elbow back as far as it can go tighten your abdomen.


  • To keep your body from turning to the side as you lift the dumbbell make sure that the dumbbell ends up almost parallel with your torso.
  • Then slowly lower it to the starting position and exhale.
  • Focus and be concentrate when pulling don’t let the weight fall off or stray away from your hands.
  • Complete the planned number of the reps for your right arm and repeat the same instructions for the left hand.

Check this video out for it shows you how to properly perform the One-Arm Dumbbell Row Workout 

Safety guide

Here some safety guides and precautions to take when doing the one-arm dumbbell row.

Make a Position correctly and concentrate.

Your position is very important when doing this exercise so, Position yourself very well to make good performance your right foot must be flat on the floor and your left knee resting on a flat bench.

Your left arm should be locked at the elbow so that it will support the weight of your upper body make sure that the dumbbell ends up almost parallel with your torso.

Look straight ahead and do not look down tighten your abdomen to keep your body from turning. and lastly do not hollow your back.


Here are some great benefits you get when performing one-arm dumbbell rows regularly.

Training your back with dumbbell row is like doing good to yourself and with this exercise, you are going to train and strengthen your back it is good to isolate the muscles of your upper and middle back it can boost strength and make your back wider. The one-arm dumbbell row also helps in reducing back pain.


This post has shown you how to perfectly perform Back Extension-Back Exercise Performance including video images and text on how to do it.

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