Barbell Abdominal Side Bend-Ab Obliques Exercise

The barbell abdominal side bend is an exercise that trains obliques (both the side of your abdomen). It is advised to perform this exercise though after the end of your various other abdominal exercises.

More so, this particular exercise can be carried out by holding two dumbbells, you may also need to be assisted by your personal trainer all along during the workout.

Barbell Abdominal Side Bend performance 

Here is how to train the side of the abdominal with the barbell abdominal side bend. Follow this guide anytime you want to perform it.

  • So, position yourself very well,  stand upright, and keep your head up high.
  • Look straight upfront.
  • Grab the barbell and stand with your feet about your shoulder-width apart.
  • It advised beginning with a light barbell so that you don’t hurt your spine.
  • A light barbell of about 10KG or 25KG is advised to start with do not put too much weight on your shoulders.
  • Make sure that you keep your knees almost extended throughout the entire exercise and make sure to be straight don’t bend yourself forward or backward during the performance.
  • Be focused and concentrate make sure that you can feel the effect on your obliques.
  • While performing the barbell abdominal side bend don’t stay closer to the wall,  leave at least one inch from the wall so that you are not going to hit it with the edge of the barbell.
  • So, bend to the right slowly and still keep the real straight forward and inhale.

  • Make sure you move slowly it is better. Be concentrated and carefully bend down to the left until the right side of your abdomen is fully stretched.
  • Make sure that your body and the straight bar stay in one layer as you bend from side to side.

You are going to be generating the strength that comes from the right side of your abdominal, don’t bend your knees and keep your hips still throughout. Then exhale as you move slowly back up bend down to the right side again till your left side is stretch.

Barbell Abdominal Side Bend-Ab Obliques Exercise
Barbell Abdominal Side Bend-Ab Obliques Exercise

Take care make sure you don’t twist your upper body and do not bend your knees don’t move your hips also. Inhale as you move back to the beginning position and exhale slowly make sure that you are concentrated.

Repeat the process again prior to your desire rep. The exercise should be performed correctly don’t create any difficulty or momentum this can jeopardize the good performance.

Check out this video that showed you how to perfectly perform the barbell side bend to perfect and transform your obliques.

Precaution and safety measures

Here are the precautions and safety measures to take into consideration when performing the barbell abdominal side bend.

keep a correct position and be straight.

The position is very important when working out an exercise,  position yourself very well and your feet. Your shoulder should be width apart and don’t stay close to the wall leave at least one inch from the wall.

Make sure that your body and your barbell stay in one layer as you bend to the left and right.

Stand upright look straight forward and keep your head up high. Don’t bend your knees or twist your upper body makes sure to keep your knees almost extended throughout the exercise and don’t bend yourself forward or backward. Remember to still keep real straight when you bend don’t move your hips.

Concentrate and move slowly.

Don’t move too fast bend slowly and make sure that you are feeling the effect of the full stretch in your obliques.

Begin with a lightweight of 10 to 25kg max don’t overweight yourself. It is advisable to be assisted by an assistant or your personal trainer.


Here are the benefits of performing abdominal barbell side exercise.

It trains and strengthens sides ab.

It is one of the best exercises to strengthen your obliques muscle, the barbell abdominal side bend helps to train the (oblique) sides of abs more efficiently than any other exercise. It also helps to lose access to weight, calories, and some excess belly fat to boost strength.


This post has shown you how to perfectly perform Barbell Abdominal Side Bend -ab obliques exercise  Performance including video images and text on how to do it.

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