Triceps Bench Dip workout guide

On this topic, I am going to show you how to perform a Triceps Bench Dip workout guide including video and text on how to do it. You are going to be using your hands to support your waist on this exercise. It is the best alternative for the dips on the dip machine.

The difference between the two of them is that the bench dip is performed with two flat benches while the dip on the dip machine is performed with the dip machine.

The bench dip is a tricep exercise that trains your triceps and allows for your body weight and it is performed on two flat benches.

Triceps Bench Dip workout guide

here is how you perfectly perform the triceps bench dip workout, follow this easy guide whenever you want to do it.

  • Position yourself tight,  grab the side of the flat bench with your hands and your front-facing the other.
  • Place the two flat benches parallel to each other depending on how long or tall you are but it is advised to be at least 3 to 4 feet apart from each other.
  • Then lift your feet to the top of the other bench so that the rest of your body is suspended between the two benches.
  • Make sure that your hands are not fall off or stray away from the side of the bench.
  • Lower your body toward the floor by bending your elbows slowly until your upper arms and your forearms form a rent angle.
  • Then Pause for a second at the bottom, then slowly raise your body back to the start position by straightening your arms.
  • You should not move your legs all around during the performance.
  • Repeat the process again to your desire reps. The lower position should be slightly slower than the pushup motion.
  • Focus, do not let your hands stray off the bench side.
  • You should be in full control of this exercise throughout.
  •  It is advised to not go below the 90-degree angle to protect your shoulders from injuries because it can cause stress to your shoulders.
  • You should not move your legs all around during the performance of this exercise.
  • Repeat the process again to your desire reps. The lower motion should be slightly slower than the push-up motion.
  • Concentrate throughout the exercise. The flat benches should not shift off the floor during the performance.
  • You may cross one foot over the other on top of the bench as you may prefer.
  • Do not create any momentum or difficulties that can jeopardize the good performance of this exercise.

Check out this video below for it shows you how to properly perform the Triceps Bench Dip workout guide

Precautions and safety

Here are some precoustion and safety guides to take when performing the bench dips.

Position yourself very well

it is advised to place at least 3 to 4 feet apart from each other and lift your feet to the top of the other bench so that the rest of your body is suspended between the two benches.

You may cross one foot across the other on top of the bench If you prefer the flat benches should not be shift off the floor during the performance and make sure that your hands do not fall or stray away from the side of the bench.

It is advised to not go below the 90-degree angle because it can stress your shoulders.

Don’t be too fast and concentrate.

Don’t move too fast, move slowly, and steady focus and concentrate.

Bend your elbows slowly until your upper arms and forearms form a right angle the lower position should be slightly slower than the pushup motion.

Do not create any momentum or difficulties that can jeopardize the performance.

Be still and make a contract to your triceps, your legs must remain still on the flat bench don’t move your legs all around during the performance. Pause briefly for a second at the bottom for more contract on your triceps.


Here are some benefits you in performing the bench dips.

  • Target, trains boost size to the triceps by using your body weight the bench dips help train the triceps better than any other.
  • It is one of the great triceps exercises that help enhance more strength to the triceps.
  • It is very effective in training triceps muscle and also partially train the chest.


This post has shown you how to perfectly perform the Triceps Bench Dip workout guide including video images and text on how to do it.

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