Stiff Leg DeadLift Workout Performance.

I am going to be walking you through the Stiff leg Deadlift workout performance on this topic and that also includes video and images on how to properly perform it however if you have any questions concerning this topic please feel free to leave them in the comment section.

About Stiff leg Deadlift 

This is an effective exercise that targets and train the lower leg muscle it’s very helpful and capable of saving leg muscles from the occurrence of (stiff-leg).

The Stiff leg dead-lift is a great leg exercise to build a stronger and better leg. It is also an important and powerful exercise efficient to train glut muscle and the lower back muscles.

Equipment Needed 

Stiff leg deadlifts can be performed with either a barbell or using dumbbells all depend on your own preferences.

Some used to perform it with the barbells. It is also great with the dumbbells however if you decide to perform it with the dumbbell the grip you will be using is, (an overhand grip) for one and (an underhand grip for the other).  Do the same thing for the barbell If you are using a barbell.

Stiff Leg Deadlift Workout Performance 

Here are the guides and how to do a stiff-leg deadlift, follow this easy guide whenever you want to perform it. 

  • Keep a better position and grab the dumbbell or the barbell with an overhand for one and underhand grip for the other with your shoulder width.
  •  Lift the weight to the standing position.
  • Don’t hollow your back on this exercise let your back be straight throughout the exercise and don’t bend your leg.
  • Lift the bar off the floor slowly but make sure that you are using your legs and not bending your knees.
  • Then lower the bar to the floor slowly, after you are completely straight.
  • Straight up yourself and get back into your straight position again using your lower back.
  • It is important to keep a straight form throughout the exercise.
  • Repeat the process again to your desire repetitions.
  • Don’t overweight yourself, load the weight that your power can control to prevent yourself from getting injured.
  • Repeat the same process again to your own desire rep.

put on your safety belt if you have one to prevent your back from getting hurt,  and make sure that you do not round the bar because it might stress your back muscles and ligaments, do not round the bar over.

While keeping your legs locked bend forward until your torso is parallel to the floor and your arms are hanging forward below you.

  It is important to be focus and concentrated when performing this exercise. You should concentrate fully throughout the performance and do not let the weight fall or stray off of your hands during the performance.

Make sure that you keep your knees locked throughout the movement, in order to reduce the potential for the muscle train.

It is advised to always aim for at least one above it, and you will be surprised by how thinking to go usually helps to get easier.

Check out this video below for it shows you how to properly perform a Stiff leg Deadlift workout performance.

You may need to be observed by an expert or a personal trainer through the exercise.

here are some 

Safety steps to take

Here is some safety step for better performance during the exercise, follow this guide for better performance.

  • Position yourself very well and make overhand and underhand grips.
  • The grip for this performance should be over and underhand grip for one hand, and overhand grip for the other.
  • If you are using a dumbbell and do the same thing for the bar.
  • Make sure that you grab the weight tight and do not let it stray or fall off of your hand.
  • Focus and concentrate you should in control throughout the exercise don’t let the weight control you.
  • Make sure that you do not round the bar because it can stress on your back muscles.
  • keep your back straight throughout the exercise.
  • Don’t hollow or bend your back during the performance and make sure to keep your knees locked throughout the movement.
  •  To protect your back from getting hurt, you may need to put on your weight belt and do not overweight.
  • Make sure that you are using your legs and not bending your knees.
  • Do not create any momentum or difficulties that can jeopardize the good performance.


Here are some benefits of performing stiff-leg dead-lift.

  • It helps train and prevent stiff legs.
  • Stiff-leg dead-lift leg exercise prevents your leg from stiffness if you are having a stiff in your leg stiff-leg dead-lift It improves and strengthen your hips.
  • And also improves your core strength and boost more strength to your joint.
  • Dead-lift is also important in building hamstring.
  • It is one of the best leg exercise that helps to train hamstring thus boost more boost hamstring muscle.
  • Strengthen your legs and Shape up your lower body.
  • It helps to train lower back muscle, stiff-leg dead-lift helps in training the lower body.
  • It is one of the great exercise that helps train the glute muscles and train quadriceps.


This post has shown you how to perfectly perform a Stiff leg Deadlift workout performance including video images and text on how to do it.

If you have any question comment or anything concerning this topic please feel free to leave them in the comment section below. If this post helps you please share it with others thanks. 

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