Reverse Preacher Curl And Best Way To Perform It-

This is an effective strength forearms exercise that will helps you strengthen your arms boost more muscles and train your forearms muscles. On this topic, I am going to be walking you through the reverse preacher curl and the best way to Perform it to train your forearm muscles including video and image on how to do it. If you have any questions concerning this topic please feel free to leave them in the comment section. 

About Reverse preacher curl 

The reverse preacher curl is a great exercise that helps to train forearms muscles. It is one of the effective forearms exercise that will also partially trains the biceps.  The grip is what makes it to be different from the normal preacher curls, make sure that the grip used is an “(overhand grip)” your hands over the barbells.

Equipment Needed 

Reverse preacher curls can be performed with both dumbbells and barbells or the universal cable machine.  It is advised to use the EZ bar but, the straight bar can also do it fine, you can start with one arm at a time using the dumbbells or with the barbells.

Reverse Preacher Curl And Best Way To Perform It

Here is how to perform the barbell reverse preacher curls, to train and strength your arms, follow this easy step whenever you want to perform it. 

Step 1. 

  • Position yourself very well while sitting down on a preacher curl bench,  grab the barbell with an overhand grip.
  • Your upper arms should be flat on the arm support pad of the preacher bench throughout the exercise.

Check out this video below for it shows you Reverse Preacher Curl And Best Way To Perform It

Step 2. 

  • Curl up the weight slowly without elevating your shoulders and inhale.
  • Curl up until the bar is approximately 20 cm from your shoulders or before its reaches the vertical level. 
  •  Hold that position briefly for a second, to fully contract your forearm muscles 
  •  Then, extend your arms back slowly to the start as far as you can or to your elbows convenient and exhale as you go.
  • Repeat the same process again to your desire reps.
Reverse Preacher  Muscles Curls
Reverse Preacher Curl And Best Way To Perform It


  • You should not elevate your shoulders and your elbows throughout the process.
  • Do not overweight for this exercise, load the weight that your power can control, and don’t let the weight fall or stray away from your hands. Keep your elbows slightly closer to each other, your arms should be parallel together throughout. 
  • The level advised for the lowering down is at least 175 degrees and do lower down slowly to prevent injuries to your elbows.
  • Do not create momentum any or difficulties that can jeopardize the good performance.
  • During this exercise, you may need to be observed by an expert or your personal trainer on this exercise.


Here are some precautions and safety guides to take during reverse preacher curls performance, follow them for perfect performance, whenever you want to do it. 

  • Grab the barbell well and use an overhand grip.
  • Hold the bar tight to your hands don’t let the weight fall off from your hands or stray away.
  • Curl up the weight slowly without elevating your shoulders.
  • Lower down slowly to prevent injuries to your elbows.
  • You should not elevate your shoulders and your elbows throughout the process.
  • Do not overweight for this exercise to prevent yourself from getting hurt.
  • Load the weight that your power can control
  • keep your elbows slightly close to each other and your arms should be parallel together throughout.
  • Your upper arms should be flat on the arm support of the preacher bench throughout
  • It is advised to lower down to at least 175 degrees.


Here are some benefits of performing reverse preacher curls.

  • Reverse preacher curl help train your arms and your forearms muscle.
  • It is one of the best and effective forearms exercise to train your arms and also train your wrist. It helps train bicep muscles and strength them. Reverse preacher curl partially train your biceps and boost strength to your arms.
  • This strength and effective forearms exercise will train and strengt your arms boost more muscles and train your forearms muscles.

  Reverse Preacher Curl And Best Way To Perform It -Conclusion

This post has helped you with the Reverse Preacher Curl And Best Way To Perform It. 
If you have any question comment or anything concerning this topic please feel free to leave them in the comment section below. If this post helps you please share it with others thanks.