Best Way To Train Back- Deadlift -Idealist Back Exercise

It is one of the best exercise that train back for more strength and size it also makes it healthier. On this topic, I am going to be walking you through the best way to train back with the deadlift idealist back exercise to train your back including video and image on how to perform it. If you have any questions concerning this topic please feel free to leave them in the comment section.

About DeadLift 

The deadlift is a great and effective back exercise. It helps boost more extra testosterone and also targets the back butt, arms, forearms, shoulders, traps, and abs muscle, it is a strength exercise for the whole body. One of the best exercise to get bulked up quickly and boost more strength to the entire body.

Equipment Needed 

 A straight barbell is needed to perform this exercise and your weight belt to protect your back.


  This exercise must be performed properly in the way it supposes to be. You may need to be supervised by an expert or your personal trainer.

Best Way To Train Back Deadlift Idealist Back Exercise

Here is the best way to perform the deadlift to train your  Back to follow the easy Exercise guide whenever you want to do it.

Step 1. 

  • Position yourself very well stand straight with your feet and your hips distance apart from each other. Make sure that your back is straight and your spine should be close to the neutral position as much as you can
  • Then,  bend down like you are in sitting motion until your thighs are parallel to the floor
  • So, grab the bar with an overhand grip, in which your hands should be slightly wider than your shoulder-width apart.

step 2.

  • Draw your abdominal muscle in and lift the bar slowly and painstakingly as you exhale.
  •  Hold that position for at least a seconds before return the weight back to the floor.
  • The reason for that is that you want to make sure that your muscles are stretched and fully contracted. 
  • Push your hips forward to raise your torso so that you are standing tall with your arms by your sides and the bar not resting on your thighs.

  • Repeat the same process again to your reps. DeadLift -Best Way To Train Back- Deadlift -Idealist Back Exercise



The weight should not fall or stray away from your hands, you must be in control do not let the weight control you. Put on your weight belt so to prevent yourself and your back from getting hurt. Repeat the process for your desire repetitions.


Here are some precautions and safety guides to take into considerations when performing the deadlift, follow this guide for a perfect performance. 

  • Put on your weight back safety belt when performing this exercise to prevent your back from injuries or getting hurt.
  • Keep your back straight and do not hollow your-back during the exercise. Make sure that your back is straight and also remember to keep your spine close to the neutral position.
  • Make an overhand grip. The grip for this performance should an overhand where your fingers are pointing down and make to return the bar slowly and painstakingly, do not create any momentum or any difficulties.


  Here are some of the benefits of performing the deadlift.

  • Dead-lifts help to train almost the whole body and back, it is one of the all-in-one back exercise that train your butt, arms, traps, and abs. Deadlifts also train your forearms, shoulders, traps, and legs.

  Best Way To Train Back- Deadlift -Idealist Back Exercise -Conclusion

This post has helped with the best way to train back with the deadlift idealist back exercise including video and image on how to do it. If you have any question comment or anything concerning this topic please feel free to leave them in the comment section below. If this post helps you please share it with others thanks.

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