Barbell Behind Back Wrist Curl Workout Guide

On this topic, I am going to walk you through how to perform the Barbell Behind Back Wrist Curl Workout Guide with video and text to properly perform it.  However, if you have any questions concerning this topic please feel free to leave them down to the bottom.

It is a great exercise that helps train wrist flexor it is one of the best forearms exercise that train, contract, and flex the flexors of the forearms muscles.

The barbell wrist curl behind the back is an exercise to train the forearms for more muscles and a strong grip. Normally performed standing while holding a barbell behind your back.

Focus and concentration don’t create or any momentum or anything that can jeopardize the exercise when performing exercise.

You may need to be supervised on this exercise by an expert or personal trainer. You need to focus on targeting the flexor muscle throughout the performance.

Barbell Behind Back Wrist Curl Workout Guide

here is the best way to perform barbell wrist curl behind the back. Follow this easy step whenever you want to do it. 

  • Position your feet to be at shoulder-width apart.
  • Stand straight forward. Make sure to stand behind a chair or a flat bench so that you be able to rest or drop the barbell on it after the performance.
  • Grab the barbell with an overhand grip with your hands about one shoulder-width apart and your fingers pointing back. Do not close your hands too tight and look straightforward.
  • Your legs should be slightly bent and your arms extended.
  • Pull your shoulders back a little and make sure that your elbows and your wrists are not moving during the performance.
  • Then, slightly open the grip slowly for the barbell to hang in your fingertips.
Barbell Behind Back Wrist Curl Workout Guide
Barbell Behind Back Wrist Curl Workout Guide
  • And slowly close your hands and roll the barbell up slowly and bend your hands up until your forearm muscles are fully flexed and contracted.
  • Concentrate make sure that the weight did not fall or stray away from your hands, bend your hands down again and open your grip until the barbell hangs in your fingertips again. Repeat the process again prior to your desired resp.
  • Focus on how to make better training out of this performance do now overweight yourself and you must be in full control throughout the exercise.
  • Load the weight that your power can control to prevent injuries.

Check out this video below for it shows you how to properly perform Barbell Behind Back Wrist Curl Workout Guide

Safety Measures

Here is the safety measure to take when performing barbell wrist curl behind the back, follow this whenever you are performing this exercise. 

  • Make a well better position for yourself and make sure to stand behind a chair or a flat bench with that you be able to drop the barbell on it after the performance.
  • Grab the barbell with an overhand grip make sure that your elbows and your wrists do not move.
  • Do not close your hands too tight and look straight forward, stand straight forward with your feet at shoulder-width apart.
  • Your legs should be slightly bent and your arms extended. Bend your hands up until your forearm muscles are fully contracted.
  • Focus concentrate and don’t overweight yourself. This exercise is performed with good concentration, the weight must not fall or stray away from your hands.
  • Do not create momentum during the workout. Don’t overweight yourself exercise yourself, load the weight that your power can control to prevent injuries.
  • You must be in full control throughout the exercise, you may also need an assistant or to be observed by your trainer on this exercise.


Here are some benefits of working out a Barbell wrist curl behind the back.

It helps train and strengthen the wrist and the flexor. The Barbell wrist curl behind the back is the best forearm exercise that helps train the forearms muscle, it trains the wrist it also helps train the flexor muscles and add more strength to the arms.

 Doing this forearms exercise will improve your arms strength, shape up your arms, be more straight in your wrist, and increase your arms muscle.


This post has shown you how to perfectly perform barbell the Behind Back Wrist Curl Workout Guide including video images and text on how to do it.

If you have any questions comments or anything concerning this topic please feel free to leave them in the comment section below. If this post helps you please share it with others thanks.